June 21, 2016
Well hello everyone and thanks for checking out my blog! I created this blog as a way for me to document this network marketing journey on which I have decided to embark. However, before I get too far into things, let me first just introduce myself...

My name is Mike Mallory and I'm 32 years old. I grew up in Springville, Utah and I currently live in the town just South of Springville called Spanish Fork. I went to college and in 2010 I received my Bachelors degree in Speech Communications. Following college I got married to a smoking hot woman and we now have two beautiful little daughters. (For real, they're prettier than anyone else's kids.) Anyway, shortly after college I got my first "real" corporate job at a network marketing company called Young Living Essential Oils. For those of you that are unfamiliar with network marketing companies, think of companies like Amway, NuSkin, Shaklee, Herbalife, etc. These are all network marketing companies and all consist of two types of workers: the corporate employees that work 9-5 jobs and make hourly wages or salaries, and the independent distributors that share the products with other people, build networks/teams, and earn commissions off their team's volume each month. I was a corporate employee so I made a salary and my role at YL was to work with the distributors in the Eastern U.S. and help them grow their individual businesses. I often traveled to the Eastern U.S. and did trainings on the products, the compensation plan, etc. YL was my first taste of network marketing and I quickly grew to love the industry. I saw how average people with above average ambition were able to build large teams and many of them now make quite a bit more money than the CEO of the company! I loved that! I loved that there was no ceiling to what people could accomplish in network marketing. As a distributor you determine your own future. That said, in all my time at YL I never thought to myself "I should give up this steady job with a good, guaranteed salary and become a distributor." Not once. Not because the company isn't good (because I think it's a great company) but I just simply never had the urge. I guess I was just happy with where I was in life and I didn't feel the need to make a change. After 2 years at Young Living however, my wife became pregnant (crazy how that happens) and I got to a point where I felt like I needed to progress in my career. I started looking for a new job.
After a short time I landed a higher position and better pay at a company called ASEA. ASEA, like Young Living, is a network marketing company but their story is different. Their pitch was/is that they have a unique, patented biotechnology that they build their products with. This technology creates molecules that are known as cellular messengers and they help your cells protect, repair and replace themselves - which then allows your body to function more efficiently. It certainly isn't a cure-all but it does support your body's cellular functions so it can help every body in a variety of ways. I remember thinking that this company was so different from others I had seen because they were more biotechnology than network marketing and they were obsessed with scientific validation and research. This was all fine and dandy because all I really wanted was a good, corporate position and a steady paycheck. I will be totally honest, I joined this company for 2 reasons: 1. I liked the Executives that I interviewed with. They seemed like real people with real integrity. 2. I liked the money they were paying me. That's it. At the time, ASEA was small and only 3 years old, had only one product that tasted like pool water, and they weren't even sure when (or if) they would be adding additional products to the line-up. Frankly I felt like they were stable enough that I could plant my flag there for a bit but I was a little worried that they would struggle to grow. However, after spending the last 3.5 years at ASEA as a corporate employee, my opinion of the company completely changed...
As I traveled the country for my job I began to realize the power of the pool water drink. During my trainings people would share stories about themselves or loved ones that had been drinking the ASEA supplement and had seen amazing results. I heard stories like you wouldn't believe. In Albuquerque I saw a woman break down and cry because drinking this supplement had finally given her mobility in her hands after years and years of extreme joint issues. I heard a 16 year old kid in New York share about a time he shattered his elbow and forearm and despite wearing a cast that completely healed the broken bones, for years his pain didn't cease until he began drinking ASEA. I heard several MDs explain why they oftentimes give this supplement to their patients before prescribing harmful pharmaceutical drugs. I saw several people sob because they believe that without this supplement they wouldn't be here today. I heard countless stories about more energy, improved sleep quality, faster recoveries after workouts, improved breathing, improved eyesight, and the list goes on and on and on - and those are all just stories about the supplement! We also have a skincare line that gives results that are just as amazing - improvement in wrinkle depth, skin discolorations, skin elasticity, skin smoothness, etc. It even increases blood flow in the skin and dramatically reduces the appearance of cellulite. Maybe you're thinking to yourself that vanity is unimportant but in reality when people look better they FEEL better about themselves. It's a huge boost to people's self esteem which in turn leads to a better quality of life.
On top of the product stories, I heard countless stories about the financial opportunity and how that too has changed the lives of so many people. There was a single mom in Maryland that was working as a waitress and struggling to make ends meet when her friend introduced her to the ASEA business opportunity. A few years later and she's making a multiple six figure income and can finally spend time with her grandbabies. There was a woman in Colorado that hated her husbands job because it required him to travel up and down a dangerous mountain road every day. She became involved with the ASEA business opportunity and within a few years was able to "retire" her husband from his job and he now works from home with her. There was a woman in Washington that got involved in network marketing to help put her husband through the accounting program at BYU. This year she's on track to earn about $1.6 million dollars with ASEA. This list also goes on and on and on.
Fast forward to May of 2015. At this point I had been an ASEA employee for about 2.5 years. I was familiar with everyone, I knew the power of the products and business opportunity, and I knew the integrity of the Executive team and what their future plans were for this company. It was during this month that we held our International Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. As a corporate sales guy, I was tasked with overseeing some of the classes being taught by some of ASEA's top earners. After introducing one of the speakers I stepped outside the room because I needed a little fresh air. As I sat on a bench, one of ASEA's top ranked distributors approached me. His name is Craig Lindner and he had flown all the way from Hawaii to attend the convention. I had only talked to Craig a few times prior but the conversation he had with me at this time was very impactful. It went something like this:
Craig: You ever think about quitting corporate and becoming a distributor?
Me: Yeah, I've thought about it a little bit.
Craig: Well then why don't you do it?
Me: Two reasons: 1. I'm not sure I'd be good at it. 2. I can't afford it. I make a good, guaranteed salary right now. We have a nice house, we get to go on vacations, etc. I can't give up guaranteed money for potential! I have a family to take care of. Plus, I don't want to be that guy that doesn't recognize how lucky he is and always assumes the grass is greener on the other side - and ends up regretting it.
Craig: That's bullshit. It IS greener on the other side. And you WOULD be good at it. People trust you. They'll believe you when you tell them about a good thing. This company is revolutionary and has a breakthrough, patent protected technology, you really want to sit back and watch that opportunity pass you by? Mike, I'm sure ASEA corporate is great because there are good people that run the company but the fact of the matter is that you are still working to build someone else's dreams. Why not become a distributor and build your own dream? You'll be able to spend more time with your kids, decide your own financial future, and be your own boss. The people that don't take risks are the ones that settle for mediocrity and never reach their full potential. You're better than that. Don't tell me that you're not.
Me: Ok. (At this point my mind is just racing about the possibilities and I just want to call my wife to discuss. No one had ever laid it out like that for me and it was inspiring and terrifying at the same time.)
Over the next year Craig and I spoke many times. He was never pushy but he did make it very clear that he wanted me to live up to my potential and he felt that I could do that by becoming a distributor. This guy was good! My wife and I also spoke many times. She was supportive since day 1. For some reason she thinks I'm great but I continued to doubt myself and my abilities. Honestly, the number one thing I worried about was getting on people's nerves. I live in Utah! The mecca for network marketing companies! There are already so many people that do network marketing here and they ALL say their company is unique and amazing! And everyone knows that certain network marketers can get really freaking annoying. Always posting on Facebook, always calling to sign you up, can never talk about anything but their stupid world-changing berry they found in the amazon, etc. Hell, I've been that person that gets annoyed with the crazy mlmers! So I was really worried about becoming that person who even when they are honestly just reaching out to someone to say hello, they would be avoided because that person would assume they were just trying to get them in their business. Bottom line, I was really worried about losing friends.
Long story short, I stopped worrying about losing friends. This company, this technology, and this financial opportunity was too good to pass up. Me and my family's future ultimately won out. I eventually realized that my real friends would support me either way. They may not sign up, but they would be totally cool with what I was doing. So in May of 2016, I finally made the jump. I gave up an almost 6 figure salary to work as a full time distributor and now I spend my days working from home, seeing my babies, and building my team. Is it fun? Definitely not all the time - especially in the beginning as I try to weed out the posers and find the people that not only want to improve their livers but are also willing to put in the effort to do so (most people complain they want something more in their life but aren't willing to work for it). I get a lot of "no"s and even more ignored calls, texts, Facebook messages, etc. Regardless, I know that these products do amazing things and the financial opportunity is real so I'm taking advantage of it best I can. It has become my mission to improve my health and achieve financial freedom and help as many people as I can do the same.
So that's my story. Stay tuned for the next blog post as I continue to share more about my life, my business, my successes, and my failures. Have a great day everyone! mikemallory.teamasea.com
Comments on my blog are always welcome. However, if you'd like to reach out to me privately my email address is kalfreedomgroup@gmail.com. Thanks for stopping by!
My story ASEA Supplement RenuAdvanced Skincare
As I traveled the country for my job I began to realize the power of the pool water drink. During my trainings people would share stories about themselves or loved ones that had been drinking the ASEA supplement and had seen amazing results. I heard stories like you wouldn't believe. In Albuquerque I saw a woman break down and cry because drinking this supplement had finally given her mobility in her hands after years and years of extreme joint issues. I heard a 16 year old kid in New York share about a time he shattered his elbow and forearm and despite wearing a cast that completely healed the broken bones, for years his pain didn't cease until he began drinking ASEA. I heard several MDs explain why they oftentimes give this supplement to their patients before prescribing harmful pharmaceutical drugs. I saw several people sob because they believe that without this supplement they wouldn't be here today. I heard countless stories about more energy, improved sleep quality, faster recoveries after workouts, improved breathing, improved eyesight, and the list goes on and on and on - and those are all just stories about the supplement! We also have a skincare line that gives results that are just as amazing - improvement in wrinkle depth, skin discolorations, skin elasticity, skin smoothness, etc. It even increases blood flow in the skin and dramatically reduces the appearance of cellulite. Maybe you're thinking to yourself that vanity is unimportant but in reality when people look better they FEEL better about themselves. It's a huge boost to people's self esteem which in turn leads to a better quality of life.
On top of the product stories, I heard countless stories about the financial opportunity and how that too has changed the lives of so many people. There was a single mom in Maryland that was working as a waitress and struggling to make ends meet when her friend introduced her to the ASEA business opportunity. A few years later and she's making a multiple six figure income and can finally spend time with her grandbabies. There was a woman in Colorado that hated her husbands job because it required him to travel up and down a dangerous mountain road every day. She became involved with the ASEA business opportunity and within a few years was able to "retire" her husband from his job and he now works from home with her. There was a woman in Washington that got involved in network marketing to help put her husband through the accounting program at BYU. This year she's on track to earn about $1.6 million dollars with ASEA. This list also goes on and on and on.
Fast forward to May of 2015. At this point I had been an ASEA employee for about 2.5 years. I was familiar with everyone, I knew the power of the products and business opportunity, and I knew the integrity of the Executive team and what their future plans were for this company. It was during this month that we held our International Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. As a corporate sales guy, I was tasked with overseeing some of the classes being taught by some of ASEA's top earners. After introducing one of the speakers I stepped outside the room because I needed a little fresh air. As I sat on a bench, one of ASEA's top ranked distributors approached me. His name is Craig Lindner and he had flown all the way from Hawaii to attend the convention. I had only talked to Craig a few times prior but the conversation he had with me at this time was very impactful. It went something like this:
Craig: You ever think about quitting corporate and becoming a distributor?
Me: Yeah, I've thought about it a little bit.
Craig: Well then why don't you do it?
Me: Two reasons: 1. I'm not sure I'd be good at it. 2. I can't afford it. I make a good, guaranteed salary right now. We have a nice house, we get to go on vacations, etc. I can't give up guaranteed money for potential! I have a family to take care of. Plus, I don't want to be that guy that doesn't recognize how lucky he is and always assumes the grass is greener on the other side - and ends up regretting it.
Craig: That's bullshit. It IS greener on the other side. And you WOULD be good at it. People trust you. They'll believe you when you tell them about a good thing. This company is revolutionary and has a breakthrough, patent protected technology, you really want to sit back and watch that opportunity pass you by? Mike, I'm sure ASEA corporate is great because there are good people that run the company but the fact of the matter is that you are still working to build someone else's dreams. Why not become a distributor and build your own dream? You'll be able to spend more time with your kids, decide your own financial future, and be your own boss. The people that don't take risks are the ones that settle for mediocrity and never reach their full potential. You're better than that. Don't tell me that you're not.
Me: Ok. (At this point my mind is just racing about the possibilities and I just want to call my wife to discuss. No one had ever laid it out like that for me and it was inspiring and terrifying at the same time.)
Over the next year Craig and I spoke many times. He was never pushy but he did make it very clear that he wanted me to live up to my potential and he felt that I could do that by becoming a distributor. This guy was good! My wife and I also spoke many times. She was supportive since day 1. For some reason she thinks I'm great but I continued to doubt myself and my abilities. Honestly, the number one thing I worried about was getting on people's nerves. I live in Utah! The mecca for network marketing companies! There are already so many people that do network marketing here and they ALL say their company is unique and amazing! And everyone knows that certain network marketers can get really freaking annoying. Always posting on Facebook, always calling to sign you up, can never talk about anything but their stupid world-changing berry they found in the amazon, etc. Hell, I've been that person that gets annoyed with the crazy mlmers! So I was really worried about becoming that person who even when they are honestly just reaching out to someone to say hello, they would be avoided because that person would assume they were just trying to get them in their business. Bottom line, I was really worried about losing friends.
Long story short, I stopped worrying about losing friends. This company, this technology, and this financial opportunity was too good to pass up. Me and my family's future ultimately won out. I eventually realized that my real friends would support me either way. They may not sign up, but they would be totally cool with what I was doing. So in May of 2016, I finally made the jump. I gave up an almost 6 figure salary to work as a full time distributor and now I spend my days working from home, seeing my babies, and building my team. Is it fun? Definitely not all the time - especially in the beginning as I try to weed out the posers and find the people that not only want to improve their livers but are also willing to put in the effort to do so (most people complain they want something more in their life but aren't willing to work for it). I get a lot of "no"s and even more ignored calls, texts, Facebook messages, etc. Regardless, I know that these products do amazing things and the financial opportunity is real so I'm taking advantage of it best I can. It has become my mission to improve my health and achieve financial freedom and help as many people as I can do the same.
So that's my story. Stay tuned for the next blog post as I continue to share more about my life, my business, my successes, and my failures. Have a great day everyone! mikemallory.teamasea.com
Comments on my blog are always welcome. However, if you'd like to reach out to me privately my email address is kalfreedomgroup@gmail.com. Thanks for stopping by!
My story ASEA Supplement RenuAdvanced Skincare