Friday, September 2, 2016

Blog Post #14 - The Ups & Downs

I'd like to continue discussing my personal journey so far in network marketing. Like I mentioned in my last post, I have been a full time network marketer for about 4 months. It has been an eye-opening 4 months and I have experienced a variety of ups and downs. I'll share what I love most about my journey so far as well as what I love the least with you now. (I realize I have already shared these somewhat over the course of this blog but I felt the desire to expand on them a little more.) Let's start with the negative...


People are quick to judge.
This isn't referring to one particular moment because this is something that happens rather frequently. I knew going into this that people have assumptions and preconceptions about the network marketing industry. I can live with that because I too had some of those same preconceptions. I also knew that most people would turn me down when I offered them this opportunity. That said, I have still been surprised. Not surprised with how many people have turned me down, but suprised with how many have turned me down without even LISTENING what it is I am offering. My opinion is this: if you listen to my business plan and understand how I plan on helping you succeed and you STILL don't want anything to do with it, then I respect that. I really do. As a matter of fact I appreciate you for being honest after you took a fair look. However, the vast majority of people (friends even) tell me no before having any idea what it is I'm offering. They say no almost immediately because they hear the words "network marketing." It doesn't matter how unique or amazing my offer could be....they'll never know because they turned off as soon as they heard those words. I could rant for days on this but it just seems so silly and reckless to me. I mean, I could be offering them the cure to cancer and they would still turn it down without even hearing me out because of the way it's distributed? Really? There are a lot of people that have had or possibly heard of one negative experience in the network marketing world so as a result they've sworn off everything that has to do with the industry forever. It's crazy. It would be the same as going out to dinner one night, being fed terrible food, and swearing off all restaurants for the rest of your life because that one restaurant wasn't very good. All opportunities are not created equal. I know that I have something unique and exciting so it has been extremely frustrating for me to hear some people  respond so negatively to my offer. But that also brings me to the ups...


I get to help the people that want help.
Just like so many people are quick to shoot the opportunity down, there are a bunch that recognize what a great opportunity it is and jump on board almost immediately. I love this feeling! Every time a new team member joins my team I get really excited. Not for my sake, but for their sake. I worked at this company for 3.5 years so I already know what a great company it is. Now I get to watch them experience a lot of the same great things that I have experienced. Amazing products, terrific financial compensation, and a corporate team that has integrity and wants people to succeed. It's funny that so many people feel negatively about network marketing because I've never been involved with anything that is more people-focused than the network marketing industry. Especially my current company. I've already sang their praises in previous blog posts so I won't do it again here....but sufficeth to say that this company cares about their independent distributors. This industry offers something that no other industry offers.

In conclusion, now that I have been an independent distributor for 4 months I have to say that I haven't regretted joining this business once. It's been extremely frustrating at times but it is also the most rewarding thing that I have ever done. Watching other people succeed has had a huge impact on me. It's fulfilling in a number of ways. I encourage anyone that may be reading this blog to put aside your skepticism and dip your toes in the mlm water. As long as you find a worthy company you'll be amazed at the impact the industry will have on you.