Friday, December 9, 2016

Blog Post #17 - I Don't Have Time To Build A Network Marketing Business

Alright, today I feel like sharing some thoughts related to building your business. Enjoy!

If you're a network marketer, chances are you have heard someone tell you that they don't have time to build a network marketing business. Actually, you've probably heard about eleventy billion people tell you this. This is one of the most common excuses people give as to why they don't join or why they don't build a network marketing business. Here's my response to that: Give me a break!
Either that person is saying that just to get you to leave them alone or they don't understand the concept of prioritizing. If someone truly wants something in their life they make it a priority and they achieve it. Simple as that. Let me share some staggering statistics with you about people in the U.S. and their time usage. These are all averages:

People spend 40 hours a week working.
People spend 49 hours a week sleeping.
People spend 21 hours a week doing personal care related things. (eating, showering, etc.)

There are 168 hours in a week. If you add up the numbers above you are left with 58 hours every week to prioritize and do the things that are most important to you. Here are some more statistics that shed a little bit of light on some of the things to which a lot of Americans dedicate their spare time. These too are averages:

People spend almost 5 hours a day watching tv. 
People spend about 3 hours a day surfing the internet.
People check their social media profiles about 17 times a day.
People check their cell phone about 150 times a day.
In other words, we all waste a lot of time on unimportant things.

Now, I won't deny that some people have more obligations than other people that may take up additional time. But it doesn't matter. My point is that everyone is busy and everyone has the same number of hours in a day. Everyone. Successful network marketers (or any business owners) simply prioritize their time and they make their business one of their top priorities. I run into SO many people that are sincere in saying that they really would like to build a business but they don't have time, or money, or skills, or the personality, or etc etc etc. These are all just excuses that are hindering their progress in life! They are excuses that are not real and are just masking the real issue - they don't believe in themselves and they're not willing to make a change for the better. Anyone can be successful in this business. Anyone. Some may take longer than others and some may need to overcome more roadblocks than others....but the opportunity to succeed is available for everyone that is willing to put in the effort and skip the excuses. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to watch someone suffer with their health or ESPECIALLY their finances when I know this opportunity can help them. It's so frustrating watching people drown in debt and other problems when the answer is right in front of their face and they don't take advantage. I am not the greatest network a matter of fact I downright suck at a lot of things related to the network marketing world....but I know this industry works. I've seen it and experienced it with my own two eyes. The most important thing to remember, however, (and I really struggle with this one sometimes) is that it only works when you help people that want to be helped. You can't help people that prefer to play the victim, make excuses, and aren't willing to put in the work. And sadly, there are a LOT of people that fit into this category.


  1. I absolutely love your post about I Don't Have Time To Build A Network Marketing Business. Over the years I have found that people use this same old lame excuse.I agree with you that anyone can be successful in this business.
    Thanks for sharing !!

    Mad marketer :
