Objection #4: I don't have the money to start a network marketing business.
Let's assume that if someone says this then they are saying it in all sincerity and not just using it as a way to get you to leave them alone. If they are truly interested in what you're sharing with them but are honestly concerned about the financial commitment then this objection boils down to one thing: THIS PERSON DOESN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE OFFERING.
If someone truly wants another stream of income then they need to understand is that this is a real business they're starting. Businesses require money. The beauty of a network marketing business is that it (usually) requires a very small amount of money. For example, at my company it costs a whopping $40 to join. Forty freaking dollars and you're a business owner! That $40 reserves a position in the organization, allows you to purchase product at wholesale price, gives you a website where you can do business and keep track of your team, and gives you access to all the infrastructure that the company has put in place. That includes a customer service department, structured shipping and manufacturing, a legal department, etc etc. In other words, the company takes care of all of the overhead and allows you to participate and benefit for a measly $40. To put that in perspective, to open a McDonalds restaurant you are required to have $750,000 in liquid assets, you must pay a $45,000 franchise fee, you have to pay over 10% of your profits back in royalty fees, etc. In addition, statistics show that 70% of home-based businesses succeed within 3 years while only about 30% of traditional businesses succeed in that time frame. So what's the riskier option?
Sidenote: I mentioned something similar in a previous post but I refuse to believe someone can't afford the $40 enrollment fee. If you were to tell someone that you'd give them a house for $40 you can bet they'd scrounge up that $40. It all just depends on how well you can help that person understand the value of that $40 investment.
Let me further explain, using my company as an example, why I feel that the "I don't have the money" objection is silly. It costs $40 to enroll as an independent business owner in my company and that is a one time fee. After that, if you want to qualify for commissions, the company expects you to have at least 100 points on your personal account each month. 100 points is equivalent to 1 case of product and costs around $120. They require this for 2 reasons: #1. You should have some skin in the game since it's your business. #2. You should be using the products so you can honestly talk about them with people. (This is pretty standard for the industry.) This $120 a month is another area where people become concerned because they think they can't afford it. Now, this may sound harsh but that is only a legitimate concern if you're not serious about being a business owner. Some people get so stuck in the "well $120 is a lot" mindset that they don't open their eyes to see what that small investment can get them in return. To own your own business and to have the ability to make anywhere from $100 - $100,000 a month for only a small fee of $120 a month is amazing! Here's the other amazing part: my company offers a way for you to NOT have to spend that $120 a month anyway! All you need to do is get a couple of customers buying from you each month and the points from their purchases would make you eligible for commissions! In other words it is entirely possible for you to spend $0 every month and still be eligible to make an unlimited income. Frankly, network marketing is an incredibly low-risk way to invest a small amount of money with a high potential payoff. If you're looking for another stream of income I've yet to find a better way than through network marketing.
Comments on my blog are always welcome. However, if you'd like to reach out to me privately my email address is kalfreedomgroup@gmail.com. Thanks for stopping by!
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