I served an LDS mission from 2004 - 2006 in Concepcion, Chile. If you're not familiar with the LDS church that means that at the age of 19 I moved to and lived in Chile for 2 years with the sole purpose of sharing my religious beliefs with the people there.

Dave shared with me that he had worked and lived in his home country of Chile since finishing the mission but always felt like he and his family would be better off if he could somehow bring them to the United States. Chile is actually more advanced than most people realize but it still has its fair share of problems. According to Dave the government there is a mess, jobs are scarce, and any other opportunities are limited. He explained to me that his biggest motivation for wanting to come to the United States was because he wanted better opportunities for his kids. Better schools, better programs, more possibilities. So, long story short, after he was let go from a job that he had held for 8 years, he looked at his wife and said that if they were ever going to take that leap of faith and come to the U.S. then there wouldn't be a better time. So they pooled their savings and the severance he received from his company and they moved to Utah. No family in Utah, no job lined up, nothing. Just him, his wife, and their 2 little boys ages 1 and 4. Sounds terrifying, right??
At this point they have been living in Utah for 6 months. Since arriving, he's struggled to find decent work due to the strict laws regarding Visas. He also grossly underestimated the amount of money it would take to get here and get settled. He worked for Carl's Jr for a while and now works 2 jobs where he cleans office buildings at night and does business to business sales for that same cleaning company during the day. He works his tail off and makes roughly $2,000 a month and works 65 hours a week. Surprisingly, he's not miserable - he's an optimist. He's certainly not ecstatic about the way things have shaped up so far but he figured going in to this that it would be tough for a while before he really gained some traction here. In his mind the sacrifice is worth it because it will provide a better life for his family in the long run. His wife on the other had is miserable. She is struggling to adapt because she doesn't speak any English (that makes it way harder), she's bored and can't work because daycare would cost more than what she could earn, they are struggling to make ends meet, and her husband is never home. She is already looking for a way to return to Chile and get back to their previous way of life. Like Dave she sees way more opportunity here but she's just too unhappy. Dave is hoping things start looking up soon so that she feels the desire to stay.
As I listened to Dave tell me this story my heart hurt! To make that sort of sacrifice with your family and then be faced with such a tough situation is my worst nightmare. But here's the happy part of my story: I have a solution. I shared with Dave that I work with a network marketing company that is completely unique and offers a terrific financial opportunity to anyone that's serious about extra income. I wasn't trying to "sell" him on anything, I was offering him a solution! As we spoke more about the company and the ways you can make money he became more and more interested and excited. He said that he needed two things for his wife to be happy here:
1. More money.
2. Something for her to do.
This network marketing thing fit the bill! He could partner with his wife to create more income and it would give her with something to work on during the day! I got him signed up on the spot and he left our lunch feeling rejuvenated.

Comments on my blog are always welcome. However, if you'd like to reach out to me privately my email address is kalfreedomgroup@gmail.com. Thanks for stopping by!
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