Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Blog Post #13 - My MLM Journey So Far

I figured I'd make today's post an update on my journey so far in mlm. If anyone else is considering embarking on a similar journey perhaps they will find this post helpful, or at the very least they'll find it entertaining. ;)

I've been a full time distributor now for just under 4 months. Every day I wake up with my kids, have breakfast with my family, and then go lock myself in my office  (AKA the guest bedroom in the basement that I have transformed into my office) for a few hours until lunch. Those first few hours of the day are spent making phone calls, sending social media messages, writing emails, and studying the industry. To be honest, I really enjoy doing this every morning. I feel that even though my business has not become this massive enterprise already, it is picking up speed every day and I have grown and learned A TON these first few months. Am I the most amazing network marketer of all time? Definitely not. As a matter of fact there are extremely frustrating days that make me want to wave my little white flag and give up - but I don't. I just keep learning and improving myself the best I can. As a result, I am becoming a little bit better every day at helping people see the potential of what this industry can do.

By the time lunch rolls around I am usually pretty antsy to get out of the house. Oftentimes I jump in my car and head to a restaurant or a Starbucks nearby where I can sit down and get some more work done. It's similar work to what I've done in the morning but for some reason getting out of the house gets my creative juices moving. I'll usually stay there for 3 or 4 hours and just crank out all kinds of work.  It's also usually during this time that I'll create a new blog post or try some other ways to market myself. I'm all about experimenting with different things to see what works.  Anyway, when I feel like I've fried my brain enough for the day I head home.

This is the rough outline of a typical day for me. I am spending more time working now then I ever did as a corporate employee. Is that a bad thing? Not if you consider why I'm doing it. It has been proven time and time again that people can earn financial freedom in the network marketing industry within 3-5 years if they really work hard for it. I figure it's worth it to bust my butt for a while so that I can provide for my family forever. In addition, even though I'm working more now, I'm doing it from home which still allows me to see my family more than when I was a corporate employee. Sure, I'm on my phone a lot engaged in social media, texting, webinars, phone calls, etc. but outside of my typical work hours I try and do these things once the kids are in bed and/or the wife is busy.  As a result my family is still getting more attention than ever before. Another thing to consider is that I no longer lose 2-3 hours a day driving to and from the office - and by driving I mean sitting in traffic for half that time.

Now, to sum it all up, let me share my honest opinion of being a network marketing distributor so far. I'll start with the negative: IT IS SO DAMN FRUSTRATING.

So many people shut you down before you can even tell them what you're offering. The second they figure out that you work for a network marketing company they turn off. This drives me crazy because although I am offering something from the familiar network marketing business model (which works by the way), I believe that what I'm offering is still completely unique. Yes, I think my company's products and compensation plan are the best (blah blah blah) but that's not what I'm referring to. I'm referring to the way that me and my team are building a business. I believe that our approach, our methods, our system, etc. will allow more people to succeed than most other opportunities. Am I re-creating the wheel here? No way. Having worked as a corporate sales guy for 2 network marketing companies I have "stolen" the best of the best methods (from the best of the best leaders) and combined them to create a clear path to success. It's not complicated and it's very achievable - as long as people are willing to apply themselves and jump in with both feet. In other words, I believe 100% that people can achieve success on my team - but helping people see the vision of what they can achieve is difficult because most people aren't willing to look.

Now for the positive which far outweighs the negative: IT IS SO REWARDING. It's rewarding in countless ways but I'll just summarize with the biggest ones: I get to be my own boss, I earn what I want to earn without any financial ceiling, I get to help other people (which is even more rewarding than helping yourself), I get to see my family more often, I have more time freedom to do the things that I want, I can work from wherever I want (we've been all over the place this summer including Alaska, our family cabin in Brianhead, and we have a possible month-long trip to Hawaii on the horizon), and I have had the 

opportunity to develop both personally and professionally. Even though this business is not a walk in the park, it's definitely worth it.

In conclusion, I just have to say that I would absolutely recommend network marketing to anyone that has the desire to do MORE with their life. Whether it's earn a little extra money or have more time with your family, don't think, JUST DO IT! It's such a tiny financial investment that it's not going to hurt you but will benefit you a million different ways. The other important thing to remember is that network marketing offers something for everyone - you don't have to quit your job and spend 40 hours a week to be successful. You can still make drastic positive changes in your life by just spending a couple hours a week in this amazing industry. Stop dragging your feet and just jump. You won't regret it.

Comments on my blog are always welcome. However, if you'd like to reach out to me privately my email address is Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Great post! This is a very realistic description of a great day and how a leap of faith is required.

  2. Great Inspirational Post Mike. I actually wake up everyday and work on learning more about the industry as well. Thanks for sharing.
