Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Blog Post #12 - Overcoming Objections (Part 4)

Because my blog posts don't follow any specific format and are basically about what I am feeling that particular day, I'd like to add another post about common objections I hear and how to overcome them.

Objection #5: I don't know very many people so I can't build a big team.

Like I've mentioned previously, network marketing is usually a misunderstood industry. Most people assume that in order to be successful you must have endless connections and a massive rolodex of people that you can convince to join your business. This is completely false! Success in network marketing has nothing to do with how may people you know. Does it help if you have eleventy billion friends that you are in constant contact with and are open to trying something you suggest? Of course! But the vast majority of people don't have that. Most people are leading average lives, working 9-5 jobs, and only have a small circle of friends and family that they have the time to keep contact with. So how in the world do so many people find success in network marketing with such a small pool of people to work with and talk to? Simple: they find a few ambitious people that are interested in what they're offering, they teach those people to also find a few ambitious people, and so on (see: duplication), and in doing so they LEVERAGE the efforts of their team members and don't have to build their businesses alone. Because everyone only has so many people in their circle of influence, it is important to leverage the efforts of other team members in order to always be tapping into new circles full of new people. In other words, if everyone just found a few ambitious people (ambitious = people that will also find a few ambitious people of their own) from their respective circles then the whole team would experience exponential growth and everyone would benefit. There would be a constant flow of new people joining the business!

I'll also say this: EVERYONE can find a few good people. EVERYONE. If they say they can't then they're just not interested in joining your team. Period. Anyway, let me share an example of how quickly a team would grow if someone were to sign up, enroll 2 people in their first 2 weeks in business, and then teach their team members to do the same...

Look at those numbers! By week 24 (less than 6 months in business) this person would have 8,090 people on their team and they personally only signed up 2 of them! Will this happen perfectly? Of course not. But even if 90% of people didn't get their 2 people you would still have over 800 people on your team (and growing) and you would most likely be making several thousand dollars a month. Again, network marketing success is not dependent on how many people you know. It is dependent on your ability to teach duplication and leverage the efforts of your team members.

Objection #6: I don't have time to build a network marketing business.

This will be short....

If someone says they don't have time to build a network marketing business then it's important to explain that anyone can build a network marketing business as fast or as slow as they want. If someone can only dedicate a few hours a week to building their business then that's fine! It may just take a little longer to build a big income. If someone still says they don't have time for it, even a few hours a week, then leave them alone! It's all about priorities and they don't want to make network marketing one of theirs. This person hasn't caught the vision and that's ok. Just move on and find people that do.

Comments on my blog are always welcome. However, if you'd like to reach out to me privately my email address is Thanks for stopping by!

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